Monday, January 31, 2011


Hold it! This is my first post of 2011. Permit me to say Happy New Year to everyone home and away and pray all your dreams (and mine too) come true. It's funny how I'm posting this on the last day in Jan.2011 which also happens to be my brother's bday...Happy Bday lil bro! kip living.
hmmm...I seriously don't know where to start from 'cuz a lot has happened in my life since the start of 2011. If there was a way I could gather my thoughts and put them all down, I would! Still, in my own my, I express myself the best way I can -sometimes people don't get me, sometimes I don't get myself either. Okay! I can sense I'm yarning O.P. atm, it's time I tame my imagination and work on my the way my mind processes information.
So far, 2011 has got me smiling from ear to ear; very cool job, family is well, friends and enemies always present to keep the balance...I must say I am grateful to have made it thus far knowing where I'm coming from and where I'm headed to.
*sigggggh*...of relief.